ABB Technology Ventures

Arvind Vasu

ABB Technology Senior Vice President

"I have had the honour and pleasure of knowing Paul Robichaud both as a friend and a business partner. He is an experienced businessman, a gem of a person, and has a marvelous sense of humour. By the way, you need the humour to survive in the global business context! Paul has an analytic mind which has helped us be creative in many situations when we have needed to impress our clients at Avatyr Business Consulting. He has stood by me as a partner through thick and thin. Paul has been a true business partner and friend. He is generous and incredibly fun to work with. The Sales Training programs that we have designed together has been some of the most enjoyable work I have ever done. With his broad business experience, Paul is quick to recognize pitfalls and potential business risks. He is also able to judge and analyze people and recognize their strengths. I consider myself lucky to have had the privilege and pleasure to work alongside Paul. I would strongly recommend Mr. Robichaud to anyone considering a business opportunity or venture with him. I will miss working with him because together, we created Magic!"